Om oss

60 års historia av innovation i bilindustrin

När KART Group började tillverka trailers under 1991 hade vi redan 40 års erfarenhet inom bilindustrin i bagaget. Under den tiden gav vårt långvariga samarbete med Bentley, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen och andra ledande biltillverkare insikt om biltillverkarnas och -transportörernas frustrationer och målsättningar.

Vi vet att du vill spara tid vid lastning utan att offra säkerheten. Vi uppskattar din önskan om en trailer som kan hantera svårigheterna på de tuffaste vägarna och ändå kunna köra i tjugo år till. KART Groups ingenjörer använder banbrytande design för att utveckla trailers som är enklare och snabbare att lasta utan att äventyra säkerhet och hållbarhet.



The starting-point of Kuusalu Test-repair Factory (Kuusalu Katseremonditehas, KART). Production work was initially done in two departments, but was later brought under one roof in Kuusalu. Specializing in repairing truck engines and drivetrains. In addition, manufacturing electronical components.


KART became a company with influence all over the Soviet Union as it had become one of the main testing grounds for different technologies and got into the top 3 in 60 manufacturing competitions. In addition to repairing truck and tractor drivetrains and engines, the company also manufactured electric motors, trailers and superstructures from skip loader containers to caravans.

1975 – 1980

As a result of tens of upgrades, truck engine average mileage grew to unprecedented levels for that time (25,000 miles), which brought several prizes to the factory.

1980 – 1985

KART developed several Electronic Control Units, and they were the only ones in the Soviet Union to manufacture this kind of equipment.


Around 13,000 engines got a thorough re-vamp each year, which meant that an engine came off the line after every 7-8 minutes.



KART Performance Trailers begins to manufacture pioneering trailers for the automotive industry.



Sale network: departments in Moscow, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Almaty, Tallinn, Baku. Technical service center and spare parts sale network, in total – 14, including service partners.



KART Performance Trailers begins production of the Multitrans for transportation of trucks and special vehicles.



KART Performance Trailers, Inc. is launched to the US market. KART Performance Trailers begins to develop next-gen trailers that are easy to manage and maintain and safe in adverse conditions owing to the use of new, high-strength materials and innovative technical solutions.



KART Performance Trailers celebrates 25 years in Kuusalu, Estonia.

  • a historic picture of an engine block being worked on in Kuusalu Factory
  • a historic picture of a man working on an engine in Kuusalu Factory
  • a historic picture of a man working on an engine in Kuusalu Factory
  • a historic picture of a man working on an engine in Kuusalu Factory